Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I owe so many of you a HUGE apology! In the past I've been pretty honest about my lack of computer skills, but today I found out that I'm a whole lot worse than even I suspected!

When I went online to write this blog today, I discovered -- yes, believe it or not for the very first time -- that I had quite a few comments sitting in a little corner of this (to me very confusing) blogging website, all by themselves and waiting patiently for me to post them to the proper page. Some of them date back to over a year ago. Which also tells you how unfaithful I've been to my blogging chores -- and I want to apologize for that, too.

Anyway, I quickly added them all to the page (hopefully they got there safely without getting lost along the way -- and with me driving this "out of space car", who knows where they may end up?) And I really, truly promise this time that I will write at least one or two blogs every week! They may not be very long, but my intention is for you to get to know me better. And, I confess, to have friendly and hopefully loyal readers and friends I can blow off a little steam to.

Again, I am so very sorry that all of your comments got stuck in some internet black hole for so long. Please forgive me, and my lack of computer savvy, and write me again in the future. From now on I know where to look to find your comments. Each and every one of them WILL BE POSTED!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Yeah! I received a great review today from Library Journal, which will go out to all the libraries in the county. I'm also happy to report that SCANDAL ON RINCON HILL pre-orders on Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble online have been very brisk. Another big Yeah!

All in all, it's been a very busy month. Not only have I been spending hours on publicity for SCANDAL (for those of you who have never done it, this is a full time job all on its own!), but I've been sending out signed, hardcover copies of the first three books in the Sarah Woolson series -- MURDER ON NOB HILL, THE RUSSIAN HILL MURDERS, and THE CLIFF HOUSE STRANGLER -- every day throughout February. (Check the "Shirley's Website" link to the right of this blog, then check the link for the "Contest" button at the top of the page to read the names of the winners so far. They've come from all over the country, plus one from Germany). Next month, I'll be awarding an Amazon Kindle, a $75 Amazon gift certificate, a $40 deluxe day planner, and a $20 Flex book light to four lucky winners, so if you haven't already signed up there's still time.

I'm trying to find a little time to watch the Olympic Games coverage on TV, but it isn't easy with all the work piled up on my desk. I'm so proud of our American athletes. They all work so hard. What dedication. Way to go USA!

Bob and I will be traveling to San Francisco next week to celebrate our daughter Karen's birthday. It should be a lot of fun! My fingers are crossed that we can head to the Sierra's for a little skiing before we make the long drive back to Eugene. It all depends on the weather. Wish us good luck! I'll let you know how it goes.